Ethics & GenAI

Ethics & GenAI

Ethics & GenAI

Explore our ever-growing curated collection of Generative AI resources for education, created by interdisciplinary teams from around the world. Discover documents, links, videos and more that showcase the latest thinking, innovations and best practices in integrating GenAI tools into the classroom.
Explore our ever-growing curated collection of Generative AI resources for education, created by interdisciplinary teams from around the world. Discover documents, links, videos and more that showcase the latest thinking, innovations and best practices in integrating GenAI tools into the classroom.
Explore our ever-growing curated collection of Generative AI resources for education, created by interdisciplinary teams from around the world. Discover documents, links, videos and more that showcase the latest thinking, innovations and best practices in integrating GenAI tools into the classroom.

"As the educational landscape evolves with new generative AI tools, remember that the heart of teaching and learning is undeniably human."

MIT Sloan Teaching & Learning Technologies

Things to consider

Things to consider

Things to consider

There are several key ethical considerations, educators should consider and address when using Generative AI tools in the classroom. By being aware of these issues and limitations, educators can enhance the learning experiences while minimising potential risks and ensuring responsible use of these powerful tools.
There are several key ethical considerations, educators should consider and address when using Generative AI tools in the classroom. By being aware of these issues and limitations, educators can enhance the learning experiences while minimising potential risks and ensuring responsible use of these powerful tools.
There are several key ethical considerations, educators should consider and address when using Generative AI tools in the classroom. By being aware of these issues and limitations, educators can enhance the learning experiences while minimising potential risks and ensuring responsible use of these powerful tools.

Bias and fairness

Generative AI models can potentially reinforce or perpetuate biases present in the data on which they are trained. This can lead to the generation of content that reflects stereotypes, discrimination or underrepresentation of certain groups. Educators should be aware of these potential biases and take steps to mitigate them, such as testing diverse tools before class and discussing the limitations of AI with students.

Privacy and data protection

A large proportion of GenAI technologies that are accessible to the public do not have strong data protection practices. Therefore, it is crucial to protect students' privacy and personal information when using these tools. Before incorporating any tool into the lesson plans or advising pupils to use it, teachers must carefully review the data protection regulations of each one.

Additionally, unless it is clear that all information is managed securely and in compliance with applicable data protection requirements, educators and students should not provide any identifiable or personal data when using GenAI technologies.

Intellectual Property

Generative AI models, especially those generating images, designs and video, can create content that may infringe upon existing copyrights or intellectual property rights. Therefore, educators must have an open and continuous dialogue with students about the importance of respecting intellectual property and the ethical use of AI-generated content.

Age appropriate use

Generative AI models, especially those generating images, designs and video, can create content that may infringe upon existing copyrights or intellectual property rights. Therefore, educators must have an open and continuous dialogue with students about the importance of respecting intellectual property and the ethical use of AI-generated content.

It's a good idea for young people to try out and use AI programs with adult guidance. That way, you can ensure they are using tools that will not introduce them to anything inappropriate. Testing them together can also allow young people to think about how the tools could be both useful and harmful when used with malicious intent.

Valuable Reading

In Pursuit of
Inclusive AI

Microsoft, having previously explored inclusivity in design for various forms of exclusion are now introducing their approach to building inclusive AI. By applying principles of inclusive design and providing a guide to categorise and address AI bias from the start, they aim to help creators of AI systems and the general public to be advocates for developing experiences that are beneficial and inclusive for all.

Dive deeper

Dive deeper

Dive deeper

It is crucial to address and resolve ethical concerns in the development and application of AI tools and systems. While there is still much to be done, many talented individuals are engaged in this endeavour. The resources below provide further insight into this topic.
It is crucial to address and resolve ethical concerns in the development and application of AI tools and systems. While there is still much to be done, many talented individuals are engaged in this endeavour. The resources below provide further insight into this topic.
It is crucial to address and resolve ethical concerns in the development and application of AI tools and systems. While there is still much to be done, many talented individuals are engaged in this endeavour. The resources below provide further insight into this topic.

Helping Kids Navigate the World of Artificial Intelligence

AI Detectors Don’t Work. Here’s What to Do Instead.

OpenAI/ChatGPT Educator FAQ

Connect with Daydream Believers

Connect with Education Scotland

Website by Calumma

Teachers inspire; technology empowers. Together, they can nurture and kindle young minds to become catalysts of change.

This website and its contents are for educational purposes only. Daydream Believers and Education Scotland are not associated with and do not endorse any third party content or products mentioned on this website. Please stay curious, think critically, try to avoid catastrophising and remember that GenAI tools should be used to enhance the learning experience, not to automate or replace it.

Connect with Daydream Believers

Connect with Education Scotland

Website by Calumma

Teachers inspire; technology empowers. Together, they can nurture and kindle young minds to become catalysts of change.

This website and its contents are for educational purposes only. Daydream Believers and Education Scotland are not associated with and do not endorse any third party content or products mentioned on this website. Please stay curious, think critically, try to avoid catastrophising and remember that GenAI tools should be used to enhance the learning experience, not to automate or replace it.

Connect with Daydream Believers

Connect with Education Scotland

Website by Calumma

Teachers inspire; technology empowers. Together, they can nurture and kindle young minds to become catalysts of change.

This website and its contents are for educational purposes only. Daydream Believers and Education Scotland are not associated with and do not endorse any third party content or products mentioned on this website. Please stay curious, think critically, try to avoid catastrophising and remember that GenAI tools should be used to enhance the learning experience, not to automate or replace it.