GenAI for

GenAI for

GenAI for




Generative AI tools have the potential to improve the way educators assess student progress and can provide opportunities for students to engage in self-assessment to identify areas for improvement. Using GenAI to evaluate progress and skills can not only save valuable time that can be spent on learning, but can also ensure more consistent and objective feedback. GenAI can create personalised assessments from the student's or educator's perspective that are tailored to each student's learning style, performance and goals, providing a more equitable and comprehensive evaluation of skills, knowledge and opportunities for improvement.
Generative AI tools have the potential to improve the way educators assess student progress and can provide opportunities for students to engage in self-assessment to identify areas for improvement. Using GenAI to evaluate progress and skills can not only save valuable time that can be spent on learning, but can also ensure more consistent and objective feedback. GenAI can create personalised assessments from the student's or educator's perspective that are tailored to each student's learning style, performance and goals, providing a more equitable and comprehensive evaluation of skills, knowledge and opportunities for improvement.
Generative AI tools have the potential to improve the way educators assess student progress and can provide opportunities for students to engage in self-assessment to identify areas for improvement. Using GenAI to evaluate progress and skills can not only save valuable time that can be spent on learning, but can also ensure more consistent and objective feedback. GenAI can create personalised assessments from the student's or educator's perspective that are tailored to each student's learning style, performance and goals, providing a more equitable and comprehensive evaluation of skills, knowledge and opportunities for improvement.

For educators, GenAI is not to be seen as a replacement for their insights and expertise but as a tool able to emulate and automate tasks where appropriate. For students, GenAI can help establish a growth mindset through inquisitive self-assessment and help avoid the discontent often associated with receiving unfavourable feedback from peers or educators.

For educators, GenAI is not to be seen as a replacement for their insights and expertise but as a tool able to emulate and automate tasks where appropriate. For students, GenAI can help establish a growth mindset through inquisitive self-assessment and help avoid the discontent often associated with receiving unfavourable feedback from peers or educators.

For educators, GenAI is not to be seen as a replacement for their insights and expertise but as a tool able to emulate and automate tasks where appropriate. For students, GenAI can help establish a growth mindset through inquisitive self-assessment and help avoid the discontent often associated with receiving unfavourable feedback from peers or educators.

"The AI-based assessment system would recognise and encourage the development of the cognitive

diversity inherent in human populations..."

A.W. Paterson

Assessment, Education; a New Paradigm Facilitated by Artificial Intelligence

Ways to use Gen-AI in evaluation phases across the curriculum

Ways to use Gen-AI in evaluation phases across the curriculum

Ways to use Gen-AI in evaluation phases across the curriculum

Generative AI can be used in many different ways to support the evaluation process during student learning, and below we have outlined some examples of how the technology can help to assess and analyse areas that need improving or praise the progress already achieved.
Generative AI can be used in many different ways to support the evaluation process during student learning, and below we have outlined some examples of how the technology can help to assess and analyse areas that need improving or praise the progress already achieved.
Generative AI can be used in many different ways to support the evaluation process during student learning, and below we have outlined some examples of how the technology can help to assess and analyse areas that need improving or praise the progress already achieved.

Language & Literature


A student had completed their literary analysis essay about specific themes in a book and received feedback from their teacher saying they could have done better.


The student uses a GenAI LLM tool to upload their essay together with the teacher’s feedback and asks the GenAI to analyse their essay and suggest improvements. The tool identifies areas where the student's arguments could be more clearly stated or better supported with textual evidence and provides further examples of alternative approaches that would have avoided the teacher’s current feedback. The student notes down all the new insights to be a reference for improving their future writing assignments.



A student is struggling with specific maths problems and wants to understand their level of comprehension. They ask GenAI to generate practice problems of various difficulties based on the reference equations.


The student received several maths equations about their desired topic, from basic to increasingly complex, and is working through them to gauge their ability to solve the problems. During the process, GenAI analyses student's work and presents several gaps in their knowledge. The student takes these new insights back into the classroom where together with the teacher they improve their comprehension.



A Student is learning about a new physics problem and wants to evaluate their current understanding.


The student uses GenAi to share the physics problem, his considered solutions to it, and his general understanding of the core concepts involved. The Generative AI tool analyses the student's input and provides insights into the student's method and knowledge, suggesting alternative ways of thinking about the problem through examples and stories. After double-checking the AI-generated answers for accuracy, the student uses the feedback to refine their physics knowledge and improve their problem-solving skills for future tasks.

Useful Tips

Prompts to try

Knowledge questionnaire

"I've been studying [insert subject or topic]. Please generate a series of questions to help me test my understanding and identify areas where I need to improve."

Sense-checking before submission

"I create a presentation about [insert subject or topic]. Please review the content: [upload presentation] and tell me how effective, organised and clear it is for explaining my ideas."

Generating assessment rubric

"I want to evaluate my students' understanding of [insert subject or topic]. Please generate a rubric that outlines key criteria for assessing their knowledge, skills, and application of the material."

Self-evaluation quiz

"I want to evaluate my knowledge of [insert subject or topic]. Please create a quiz with questions of varying difficulty levels to help me assess my comprehension."

Testing historical knowledge

"I'm studying [insert historical event]. Please provide me with true & false questions about the topic, its causes, noteworthy events and consequences to help me self-evaluate my understanding."

Assessing creative projects

"I want to assess my students' creative projects in [insert subject and project requirement]. Please provide a set of criteria that will help me evaluate their originality, technical skill, and adherence to the project guidelines."

Exam-prep buddy

"I'm preparing for an exam on [insert subject or topic] for [age & grade]. Please provide me with a set of open-ended questions that will challenge my understanding and help me think critically about the material."

Teacher analysing writing

"I'm grading student essays on [insert topic]. Here are the examples of student work: [insert excerpts or full essays]. Please analyse each essay and provide feedback on the strength of the thesis, use of evidence, and overall structure."

Educator evaluating skills

"I want to assess my students' foreign language speaking skills. Here are recordings of some student conversations: [insert audio files or transcripts]. Please analyse each conversation for grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and fluency."

Did you know?

CoGrader leverages GenAI to help teachers speed up student evaluation.

As a new and emerging AI-assisted tool, CoGrader offers educators to select or create their own rubrics, link the student assignments from the LMS of their choice and draft feedback on students' assignments instantaneously, streamlining the grading process and saving hours or days.

Helpful GenAI tools for the evaluation phase

Helpful GenAI tools for the evaluation phase


Things to keep in mind

Generative AI only knows what it knows

Hallucinations and misinformation

The crucial role of human educators

Be aware of algorithmic bias

Copyright and intellectual property considerations

Preparing for an AI-integrated future

Generative AI only knows what it knows

Hallucinations and misinformation

The crucial role of human educators

Be aware of algorithmic bias

Copyright and intellectual property considerations

Preparing for an AI-integrated future

Generative AI only knows what it knows

Hallucinations and misinformation

The crucial role of human educators

Be aware of algorithmic bias

Copyright and intellectual property considerations

Preparing for an AI-integrated future

Explore other categories

Explore other categories

Explore other categories


Let your curiosity be your guide to new discoveries.


Inspire creativity and problem-solving


Learn to expand your ideas and try out new ones


Improve communication skills and be impactful

Connect with Daydream Believers

Connect with Education Scotland

Website by Calumma

Teachers inspire; technology empowers. Together, they can nurture and kindle young minds to become catalysts of change.

This website and its contents are for educational purposes only. Daydream Believers and Education Scotland are not associated with and do not endorse any third party content or products mentioned on this website. Please stay curious, think critically, try to avoid catastrophising and remember that GenAI tools should be used to enhance the learning experience, not to automate or replace it.

Connect with Daydream Believers

Connect with Education Scotland

Website by Calumma

Teachers inspire; technology empowers. Together, they can nurture and kindle young minds to become catalysts of change.

This website and its contents are for educational purposes only. Daydream Believers and Education Scotland are not associated with and do not endorse any third party content or products mentioned on this website. Please stay curious, think critically, try to avoid catastrophising and remember that GenAI tools should be used to enhance the learning experience, not to automate or replace it.

Connect with Daydream Believers

Connect with Education Scotland

Website by Calumma

Teachers inspire; technology empowers. Together, they can nurture and kindle young minds to become catalysts of change.

This website and its contents are for educational purposes only. Daydream Believers and Education Scotland are not associated with and do not endorse any third party content or products mentioned on this website. Please stay curious, think critically, try to avoid catastrophising and remember that GenAI tools should be used to enhance the learning experience, not to automate or replace it.