GenAI for

GenAI for

GenAI for




The process of iteration, reassessment of progress, and failing and fixing is a crucial aspect of any learning experience, whether in a formal educational setting or in the real world. Generative AI has the potential to become a valuable tool for assisting students and enhancing the iteration process in education by providing learners with real-time feedback, personalised recommendations, and adaptive learning experiences tailored to their unique needs and goals.
The process of iteration, reassessment of progress, and failing and fixing is a crucial aspect of any learning experience, whether in a formal educational setting or in the real world. Generative AI has the potential to become a valuable tool for assisting students and enhancing the iteration process in education by providing learners with real-time feedback, personalised recommendations, and adaptive learning experiences tailored to their unique needs and goals.
The process of iteration, reassessment of progress, and failing and fixing is a crucial aspect of any learning experience, whether in a formal educational setting or in the real world. Generative AI has the potential to become a valuable tool for assisting students and enhancing the iteration process in education by providing learners with real-time feedback, personalised recommendations, and adaptive learning experiences tailored to their unique needs and goals.

GenAI tools are capable of analysing student work, identifying areas for improvement, and suggesting targeted interventions to assist students in refining their skills and knowledge. By utilising GenAI, educators can empower students to question their thinking and facilitate the development of resilience, adaptability, and determination to learn from their own mistakes.

GenAI tools are capable of analysing student work, identifying areas for improvement, and suggesting targeted interventions to assist students in refining their skills and knowledge. By utilising GenAI, educators can empower students to question their thinking and facilitate the development of resilience, adaptability, and determination to learn from their own mistakes.

GenAI tools are capable of analysing student work, identifying areas for improvement, and suggesting targeted interventions to assist students in refining their skills and knowledge. By utilising GenAI, educators can empower students to question their thinking and facilitate the development of resilience, adaptability, and determination to learn from their own mistakes.

Ways to use Gen-AI in iteration phases across the curriculum

Ways to use Gen-AI in iteration phases across the curriculum

Ways to use Gen-AI in iteration phases across the curriculum

Generative AI can be used in many different ways to support the iterative process during student learning, and below we have outlined some examples of how the technology can help to expand students' thinking and provide an opportunity for self-development.
Generative AI can be used in many different ways to support the iterative process during student learning, and below we have outlined some examples of how the technology can help to expand students' thinking and provide an opportunity for self-development.
Generative AI can be used in many different ways to support the iterative process during student learning, and below we have outlined some examples of how the technology can help to expand students' thinking and provide an opportunity for self-development.



A student is writing a character analysis essay on a protagonist from a novel they've read in class.


The student writes an initial draft of their essay and then uses an AI-powered writing assistant to help them rephrase sentences and improve word choice. The GenAI can also suggest relevant quotes from the novel that the student could incorporate to support their analysis. The student iterates on their essay, refining their arguments and evidence based on the GenAI's suggestions.



A student is creating a presentation on the human digestive system for their biology class.


The student creates an initial outline of their presentation and then uses a GenAI to analyse their work-in-progress, assess their thinking and suggest ways to improve the presentation. Tools like ChatGPT or Wolfram Alpha can suggest relevant diagrams, fun facts and real-world examples that the student can incorporate to make their learning experience more robust and their presentation more engaging and informative.



A student is working on solving a set of linear equations for homework and wants to check their work for errors.


The student solves the equations based on their knowledge and then use an AI-powered math tool like Photomath to verify their answers. The AI provides step-by-step solutions, allowing the student to compare their work and identify any mistakes or areas for improvement. Additionally, students can use chat-based GenAI to ask for the equation to be explained as a story, helping them grasp the problem through a more imaginative scenario.



A student is creating a still-life drawing for their art class and wants to experiment with shading and composition.


The student creates an initial sketch of their still-life and then uses a GenAI art tool to upload their sketch and begin experimenting with different shading and aesthetic techniques and arrangements. The GenAI provides suggestions for improving the balance and depth of the drawing, which the student can use as a reference for adapting to their own artistic style. The student iterates on their drawing, refining their technique and composition based on the GenAI's recommendations.

Foreign Language


A student is tasked to write a letter to a pen pal in a foreign language they are learning and needs to refine their grammar and vocabulary.


The student writes an initial draft of their letter and then uses an AI-powered writing tool with different language support to check their grammar and suggest improvements. The AI provides alternative phrases, idiomatic expressions, and cultural insights that the student can incorporate to make their letter more authentic and engaging.

Physical Education


A student is practising a new skill, such as a basketball free throw, and needs to refine their technique.


The student uses a sports coaching app like HomeCourt to record a video of themselves performing the skill and use the embedded AI functionality to analyse their performance. The AI provides suggestions for adjusting their stance, arm position, and release to improve accuracy and consistency. The student iterates on their technique, incorporating the AI's feedback and recording new videos to track their progress.



A student is writing a research paper on a significant historical event and needs to refine their thesis and supporting arguments.


The student writes an initial draft of their paper and then prompts GenAI to act as a research assistant and find additional primary and secondary sources. The GenAI suggests several relevant topics, documents, and expert opinions that the student must double check for accuracy and relevance, after which they can use to strengthen their arguments and provide a more comprehensive analysis of the event.

Useful Tips

Prompts to try

Refining the thinking

"I'm writing an essay on [book/story] and need help refining my thesis statement. Here's my current thesis: [thesis statement]. How could I make it stronger and more specific?"

Creating deeper understanding

"I'm studying for a [subject] exam and need help understanding this concept: [concept]. Can you explain it in simpler terms and provide some examples?"

Suggesting scenarios to consider

"I'm creating a budget for a hypothetical business [type of business] as part of a maths assignment. What are some key expenses and revenue streams I should consider to make my budget realistic?"

Changing the perspective

"I'm solving a [maths subject] problem set and got stuck on this question: [question]. Can you provide a step-by-step explanation of how to approach this problem?"

Enhancing the creativity

"I'm creating a poster on [environmental issue] for my science class. I want to use [theme/image] to convey my message [the message]. What are some other eye-catching visuals or statistics I could include to compliment my idea and make my poster more impactful?"

Analysing data

"I conducted a science experiment on [topic] and need help analysing my results. Here's my data: [data]. What conclusions can I draw from this information and how could I improve the experiment to get better results?"

Expanding the scope of the project

"I'm creating a presentation on [historical event] for my history class. These are the key points I'm covering: [key points]. What are some other points I should include to give a comprehensive overview of the event and its significance?"

Addressing problems

"I'm working on a coding project in [programming language] and encountered this error: [error message]. Can you help me identify the issue and suggest a solution?"

Project assistant

"I'm creating a solution for [the problem] and my current approach is to [your approach]. Can you spot any flaws in my approach and suggest blindspots I might have not considered? "

Helpful GenAI tools for the iteration phase

Helpful GenAI tools for the iteration phase


Things to keep in mind

Generative AI only knows what it knows

Hallucinations and misinformation

The crucial role of human educators

Be aware of algorithmic bias

Copyright and intellectual property considerations

Preparing for an AI-integrated future

Generative AI only knows what it knows

Hallucinations and misinformation

The crucial role of human educators

Be aware of algorithmic bias

Copyright and intellectual property considerations

Preparing for an AI-integrated future

Generative AI only knows what it knows

Hallucinations and misinformation

The crucial role of human educators

Be aware of algorithmic bias

Copyright and intellectual property considerations

Preparing for an AI-integrated future

Explore other categories

Explore other categories

Explore other categories


Let your curiosity be your guide to new discoveries.


Inspire creativity and problem-solving


Find gaps in understanding and assess your progress


Improve communication skills and be impactful

Connect with Daydream Believers

Connect with Education Scotland

Website by Calumma

Teachers inspire; technology empowers. Together, they can nurture and kindle young minds to become catalysts of change.

This website and its contents are for educational purposes only. Daydream Believers and Education Scotland are not associated with and do not endorse any third party content or products mentioned on this website. Please stay curious, think critically, try to avoid catastrophising and remember that GenAI tools should be used to enhance the learning experience, not to automate or replace it.

Connect with Daydream Believers

Connect with Education Scotland

Website by Calumma

Teachers inspire; technology empowers. Together, they can nurture and kindle young minds to become catalysts of change.

This website and its contents are for educational purposes only. Daydream Believers and Education Scotland are not associated with and do not endorse any third party content or products mentioned on this website. Please stay curious, think critically, try to avoid catastrophising and remember that GenAI tools should be used to enhance the learning experience, not to automate or replace it.

Connect with Daydream Believers

Connect with Education Scotland

Website by Calumma

Teachers inspire; technology empowers. Together, they can nurture and kindle young minds to become catalysts of change.

This website and its contents are for educational purposes only. Daydream Believers and Education Scotland are not associated with and do not endorse any third party content or products mentioned on this website. Please stay curious, think critically, try to avoid catastrophising and remember that GenAI tools should be used to enhance the learning experience, not to automate or replace it.