GenAI for

GenAI for

GenAI for




In education, research is the foundation of any successful learning experience. Generative AI can and is already revolutionising the research process, enabling students to access and analyse vast amounts of information quickly and efficiently. With AI-powered tools at our fingertips, anyone can quickly access a wealth of knowledge, discover hidden connections and explore different viewpoints on any topic.
In education, research is the foundation of any successful learning experience. Generative AI can and is already revolutionising the research process, enabling students to access and analyse vast amounts of information quickly and efficiently. With AI-powered tools at our fingertips, anyone can quickly access a wealth of knowledge, discover hidden connections and explore different viewpoints on any topic.
In education, research is the foundation of any successful learning experience. Generative AI can and is already revolutionising the research process, enabling students to access and analyse vast amounts of information quickly and efficiently. With AI-powered tools at our fingertips, anyone can quickly access a wealth of knowledge, discover hidden connections and explore different viewpoints on any topic.

For students, this can not only save time, but also encourage a broader and more nuanced understanding of the material. Throughout the research process, Generative AI can enable students to develop stronger critical thinking and information literacy skills, laying the foundation for more effective and engaging learning experiences.

For students, this can not only save time, but also encourage a broader and more nuanced understanding of the material. Throughout the research process, Generative AI can enable students to develop stronger critical thinking and information literacy skills, laying the foundation for more effective and engaging learning experiences.

For students, this can not only save time, but also encourage a broader and more nuanced understanding of the material. Throughout the research process, Generative AI can enable students to develop stronger critical thinking and information literacy skills, laying the foundation for more effective and engaging learning experiences.

As educators, it is our responsibility to experiment with GenAI tools and learn how to apply them to drive positive change in our schools.

Ways to use Gen-AI in research phases across the curriculum

Ways to use Gen-AI in research phases across the curriculum

Ways to use Gen-AI in research phases across the curriculum

Generative AI can be used in many different ways to support the research process during student learning, and below we have outlined some examples of how the technology can help to extend students' knowledge and provide them with new insights that would previously have taken more time to acquire.
Generative AI can be used in many different ways to support the research process during student learning, and below we have outlined some examples of how the technology can help to extend students' knowledge and provide them with new insights that would previously have taken more time to acquire.
Generative AI can be used in many different ways to support the research process during student learning, and below we have outlined some examples of how the technology can help to extend students' knowledge and provide them with new insights that would previously have taken more time to acquire.

Language & Literature


A Student must analyse the writing style of a well-known author.


The student uses an available GenAI LLM (Large Language Model) chatbot to identify key characteristics of a renowned author's writing style in their book series. The AI assistant helps the student examine elements such as sentence structure, vocabulary, tone, use of figurative language, and recurring themes. By inputting excerpts from the author's works, the student engages in a dialogue with the AI to gain insights into the author's unique writing techniques and how they contribute to the overall narrative. This exercise allows the student to develop a deeper understanding of the author's craft and enhances their ability to analyse and interpret literary works in the future.



Students must write a report on ecosystem of amphibians in European countries.


Students use generative-AI to explore existing research on the topic, find facts about the impact of climate change on amphibian biodiversity, compare the different environmental needs of various amphibian species across Europe and generate potential hypotheses for their own experiments.



Students are provided with several, previously unknown geometry problems.


Students use Wolfram Alpha's AI-powered problem solver GPT to tackle challenging geometry questions and explore step-by-step solutions and visual representations. Afterwards, the findings can be discussed with the educator to deepen the understanding and provide new examples.

Art & Design


Learners are required to come up with a new graphical pattern for seasonal gift wrapping paper.


Students use books, magazines and internet to find early inspiration, then upload the references to AI-powered image generator tools to create unique mix of visuals, patterns and textures based on their ideas, references and initial drawings, which they then incorporate into their own artwork using traditional media.

Useful Tips

Prompts to try

Identifying credible sources

"Suggest 5 credible sources, such as academic journals or reputable websites, that I can use to research [specify your topic]. Please provide the titles and links to these sources."

Identifying gaps in knowledge

"After reviewing the following notes on [topic], identify any gaps in my understanding or areas where I may need to conduct additional research to fully grasp the concept."

Generating a research outline

"Based on my research notes on [topic], create a detailed outline for a research paper or presentation. Include the main points I should cover and suggest a logical flow for presenting the information."

Summarising key points from an article or documents

"Please summarise the main points of the following article: [paste article text]. Highlight the key takeaways and most important information related to [topic]."

Comparing and contrasting sources

"Given the information from these two sources on [topic], compare and contrast their perspectives. Highlight any key differences or similarities in their approach to the subject."

Explaining complex concepts:

"I'm struggling to understand [complex concept] from my [subject] textbook. Can you explain this concept in simpler terms, using examples that are relevant to my age group?"

Generating research questions

"Based on the following information about [topic], generate 3 thought-provoking research questions that could guide further exploration of this subject."

Analysing data or statistics

"Please analyse the following data set related to [topic]. Identify any notable patterns, trends, or outliers that I should pay attention to in my research."

Analysing literature:

"I'm reading [book title] for my English class. Please suggest uncommon discussion topics about the main characters so I can test if I am understanding the story correctly."

Helpful GenAI tools for the research phase

Helpful GenAI tools for the research phase


Things to keep in mind

Generative AI only knows what it knows

Hallucinations and misinformation

The crucial role of human educators

Be aware of algorithmic bias

Copyright and intellectual property considerations

Preparing for an AI-integrated future

Generative AI only knows what it knows

Hallucinations and misinformation

The crucial role of human educators

Be aware of algorithmic bias

Copyright and intellectual property considerations

Preparing for an AI-integrated future

Generative AI only knows what it knows

Hallucinations and misinformation

The crucial role of human educators

Be aware of algorithmic bias

Copyright and intellectual property considerations

Preparing for an AI-integrated future

Explore other categories

Explore other categories

Explore other categories


Inspire creativity and problem-solving


Learn to expand your ideas and try out new ones


Find gaps in understanding and assess your progress


Improve communication skills and be impactful

Connect with Daydream Believers

Connect with Education Scotland

Website by Calumma

Teachers inspire; technology empowers. Together, they can nurture and kindle young minds to become catalysts of change.

This website and its contents are for educational purposes only. Daydream Believers and Education Scotland are not associated with and do not endorse any third party content or products mentioned on this website. Please stay curious, think critically, try to avoid catastrophising and remember that GenAI tools should be used to enhance the learning experience, not to automate or replace it.

Connect with Daydream Believers

Connect with Education Scotland

Website by Calumma

Teachers inspire; technology empowers. Together, they can nurture and kindle young minds to become catalysts of change.

This website and its contents are for educational purposes only. Daydream Believers and Education Scotland are not associated with and do not endorse any third party content or products mentioned on this website. Please stay curious, think critically, try to avoid catastrophising and remember that GenAI tools should be used to enhance the learning experience, not to automate or replace it.

Connect with Daydream Believers

Connect with Education Scotland

Website by Calumma

Teachers inspire; technology empowers. Together, they can nurture and kindle young minds to become catalysts of change.

This website and its contents are for educational purposes only. Daydream Believers and Education Scotland are not associated with and do not endorse any third party content or products mentioned on this website. Please stay curious, think critically, try to avoid catastrophising and remember that GenAI tools should be used to enhance the learning experience, not to automate or replace it.