GenAI for

GenAI for

GenAI for




Generative AI can help improve the presentation process in education by providing students with tools to communicate their ideas and knowledge more effectively. AI-powered tools can help students create unique visuals using only text prompts, suggest storytelling techniques best suited to the topic or audience, and help create an impactful presentation by logically structuring content while improving clarity.
Generative AI can help improve the presentation process in education by providing students with tools to communicate their ideas and knowledge more effectively. AI-powered tools can help students create unique visuals using only text prompts, suggest storytelling techniques best suited to the topic or audience, and help create an impactful presentation by logically structuring content while improving clarity.
Generative AI can help improve the presentation process in education by providing students with tools to communicate their ideas and knowledge more effectively. AI-powered tools can help students create unique visuals using only text prompts, suggest storytelling techniques best suited to the topic or audience, and help create an impactful presentation by logically structuring content while improving clarity.

Experimenting with these tools can enable students to develop better public speaking skills, improve their problem solving and develop greater confidence in their ability to communicate their ideas.

Experimenting with these tools can enable students to develop better public speaking skills, improve their problem solving and develop greater confidence in their ability to communicate their ideas.

Experimenting with these tools can enable students to develop better public speaking skills, improve their problem solving and develop greater confidence in their ability to communicate their ideas.

Ways to use Gen-AI in presentation phases across the curriculum

Ways to use Gen-AI in presentation phases across the curriculum

Ways to use Gen-AI in presentation phases across the curriculum

Generative AI can be used in many different ways to support the presentation process during student learning, and below we have outlined some examples of how the technology can help to extend students' abilities to deliver engaging presentations of what they have learnt.
Generative AI can be used in many different ways to support the presentation process during student learning, and below we have outlined some examples of how the technology can help to extend students' abilities to deliver engaging presentations of what they have learnt.
Generative AI can be used in many different ways to support the presentation process during student learning, and below we have outlined some examples of how the technology can help to extend students' abilities to deliver engaging presentations of what they have learnt.



A student needs to create a presentation on the impact of the Industrial Revolution on society for their history class.


The student uses a GenAI chatbot to generate an outline for their presentation, including key topics, subtopics, and relevant examples. The tool suggests focusing on areas such as technological advancements, changes in labour and social structures, and the environmental impact of industrialisation. The student then uses a tool like Midjourney to generate visually appealing images and graphics that illustrate these concepts, making their presentation more engaging and memorable.



A student needs to present their findings from a research project on the effects of climate change on biodiversity.


The student uses a GenAI chatbot to analyse their research for key facts and statistics that should be prioritised during the presentation to highlight the most important insights for how to enhance conservation efforts. They then use AI-powered website builders like Wix or Framer to create an interactive website and a digital presentation that also works as a live call to action for their peers to join in the support of preserving biodiversity. The website includes AI-generated images to illustrate the urgency of the action necessary and to make it easier for the audience to understand the significance of their work.



A student has to give a presentation analysing the themes and symbolism in a classic novel.


Having completed the analysis on their own, they use GenAI tools such as FYI, ChatGPT, Gemini or Pi to generate imaginative and thought-provoking names associated with the themes they have discovered. These elaborate words are then used to prompt text-to-image generators to create striking images that uniquely complement the symbolism the student discovered in the novel. The presentation itself is created in Canva using the Magic Design feature to speed up the layout process and maintain a consistent design aesthetic, making their analysis more accessible and memorable.

Useful Tips

Prompts to try

Get a head start

"I need to create a presentation on [topic] for my [subject] class. Here's what I wrote: [student work]. Please generate an outline with a clear introduction, main points, and conclusion."

Crafting the presentation

"I want to make sure my presentation on [topic] is well-paced and engaging. Please see my transcript and provide tips on timing, delivery, and audience interaction for a [length] minute presentation. [copy of transcript]"

Generating effective titles

"I need to create an impactful title for my presentation on [topic]. Please generate 5 compelling options that accurately reflect my main message."

Creating attention-grabbing slides

"I've been working on [subject] for my school assignment and this is what I have done so far: [student work]. For my class presentation, I want to start it with [topic] and an attention-grabbing opening. Please suggest 3 engaging hooks or questions to draw in the audience and the type of images that could help complement these opening hooks."

Making it visual

"I want to include some visuals in my presentation on [topic]. Please generate ideas for 3 informative and engaging slides or graphics that support my main points."

Creating for accessibility and inclusion

"I'm presenting to a diverse audience with different backgrounds and perspectives on [topic]. This is what I have created so far: [example] Please provide strategies for making my content relatable and inclusive for all listeners."

Making the story more relatable

"I need to explain the complex concept of [concept] in my presentation. Please suggest 2 simple analogies or real-life examples to make it easier for my audience of [age range] to understand."

Prepping for a mic-drop moment

"I'm looking for a memorable way to conclude my presentation on [topic]. My presentation covers [topic and key findings]. Please suggest 2 powerful summary statements or calls to action that will leave a lasting impact on my audience."

Considering further engagement

"I need to create a handout or resource list to accompany my presentation on [topic and key findings]. Please generate ideas for supplementary materials that will enhance my audience's understanding and retention."

Helpful GenAI tools for the presentation phase

Helpful GenAI tools for the presentation phase


Things to keep in mind

Generative AI only knows what it knows

Hallucinations and misinformation

The crucial role of human educators

Be aware of algorithmic bias

Copyright and intellectual property considerations

Preparing for an AI-integrated future

Generative AI only knows what it knows

Hallucinations and misinformation

The crucial role of human educators

Be aware of algorithmic bias

Copyright and intellectual property considerations

Preparing for an AI-integrated future

Generative AI only knows what it knows

Hallucinations and misinformation

The crucial role of human educators

Be aware of algorithmic bias

Copyright and intellectual property considerations

Preparing for an AI-integrated future

Explore other categories

Explore other categories

Explore other categories


Let your curiosity be your guide to new discoveries.


Inspire creativity and problem-solving


Learn to expand your ideas and try out new ones


Find gaps in understanding and assess your progress

Connect with Daydream Believers

Connect with Education Scotland

Website by Calumma

Teachers inspire; technology empowers. Together, they can nurture and kindle young minds to become catalysts of change.

This website and its contents are for educational purposes only. Daydream Believers and Education Scotland are not associated with and do not endorse any third party content or products mentioned on this website. Please stay curious, think critically, try to avoid catastrophising and remember that GenAI tools should be used to enhance the learning experience, not to automate or replace it.

Connect with Daydream Believers

Connect with Education Scotland

Website by Calumma

Teachers inspire; technology empowers. Together, they can nurture and kindle young minds to become catalysts of change.

This website and its contents are for educational purposes only. Daydream Believers and Education Scotland are not associated with and do not endorse any third party content or products mentioned on this website. Please stay curious, think critically, try to avoid catastrophising and remember that GenAI tools should be used to enhance the learning experience, not to automate or replace it.

Connect with Daydream Believers

Connect with Education Scotland

Website by Calumma

Teachers inspire; technology empowers. Together, they can nurture and kindle young minds to become catalysts of change.

This website and its contents are for educational purposes only. Daydream Believers and Education Scotland are not associated with and do not endorse any third party content or products mentioned on this website. Please stay curious, think critically, try to avoid catastrophising and remember that GenAI tools should be used to enhance the learning experience, not to automate or replace it.